IPO GMP, Latest IPO Grey Market Premium & Kostak Rates

The grey market premium aka IPO GMP is information that is calculated based on the demand of a company that is coming up with an IPO. The grey market starts unofficially in the unregulated market after the IPO date and price band announcements. IPO Investors always look at the Upcoming IPO GMP before investing in IPO but it might vary as per the market conditions, demand, and subscription numbers.

Latest IPO GMP Today

Check the latest IPO analysis and the estimated IPO grey market rates of the Forthcoming IPO with listing gain as given below:


  • The estimated IPO Grey Market Premium mention is valid for the specific date.
  • We are not buying and selling IPO forms on IPO Grey Market.
  • Due to stock market conditions, the IPO listing might differ from the estimated IPO GMP price.
  • We strongly recommend that the IPO GMP rates are for education purposes only. Do not subscribe for IPO by just considering the premium price as it may change time before listing. Subscribe to IPO only considering the fundamentals of the companies.